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Dear citizens and visitors of Zagreb!

Even though current epidemiological situation is not favourable and we are facing many challenges, we can still do something to improve our living conditions. We have prepared some events for you to enjoy, in line with new rules and precautions. Some of them can be attended from the comfort of your home.

This month all film fans can enjoy the 18th Zagreb Film Festival online the aim of which is to preserve the health of audience and the festival staff. The festival can be attended on and platforms and it represents the best of the recent independent international and Croatian film production. It has had a key role in raising generations of spectators who enjoy film. There is also the 14th PSSST! Silent Film Festival organised by the Trešnjevka Cultural Centre which will become the meeting place of fans of the unique poetics of silent film for the fourteenth time.

The 37th Dance Week Festival, the largest international dance festival in Croatia and one of the oldest in Europe, will take place in the Travno Cultural Centre, the Zagreb Dance Centre and in the seat of the Croatian Association of Visual Artists. Due to the restrictions caused by the COVID-19 disease, the number of visitors is strictly limited. The festival is being held owing to the traditional solidarity of international artists that support the Festival and Croatian dance scene which is going through an exceptionally challenging times in the pandemic.

To mark the tenth anniversary since flamenco was designated World Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO, this year the 8th Flamenco Festival Zagreb will offer a one-day festival program. Despite the pandemic, it will gather artists from Spain, Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Live but also with the help of modern technology, with songs, dance and guitar music, this spectacular art form from Andalusia will be celebrated. Even though the mobility of international artists is hampered due to the pandemic, two exceptional guitar players will perform in the Lisinski Hall with the help of new technologies.

Lovers of wine and culinary art will have a chance to visit the oldest Croatian wine festival, the 15th VINOcom – the International Festival of Wine and Culinary Art taking place in Zagreb’s Esplanade hotel. The festival is organised in line with epidemiological measures and COVID -19 related precautions.

We would like to remind you to stay responsible and take care of yourself and others!

Yours faithfully,

Mayor of the City of Zagreb                                             

Milan Bandić

Published: 03.11.2020