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A challenge for recreationalists - The “Zagrepčanka 512” staircase race

If you wish to test your physical prowess, sign up for the unique “Zagrepčanka 512” staircase race, which will take place on December 12th in the Zagrepčanka business tower.

If you are physically fit and like to run, make sure to sign up for the “Zagrepčanka 512” staircase race. The race will take place in the 26 storey Zagrepčanka business tower, featuring a total of 512 steps, but the participants will have to run “only” 490 of them since the finish-line will be on the 25th floor due to security reasons.

The race will take place on December 12th, starting at 11 a.m. It will be timed by a chronometer, with one contestant taking off every 15 seconds, so the winner will not be known before the results of all the contestants are compared to each other.  The race is open to all recreationalists as well as professional runners, while the traditional race of firefighters in full gear always attracts great attention. Of course, the race is divided into male and female competitions, and the points count towards the Towerrunning World Cup.

All candidates interested in partaking in this unique staircase race, including foreigners, can sign up only via a form available online at

The “Zagrepčanka 512” staircase race is organized by the Sports Recreation Association “Active Life”, with backing of the Zagreb City Office for Health and the company Perskindol.

Published: 03.12.2015