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A multimedia programme - Summer at the Museum of Contemporary Art
As part of the multimedia bonanza “Summer in MSU”, which will go on until July 23rd, the roof of the Museum of Contemporary Art will be the venue for concerts by several major Croatian rock bands, and the museum will also feature film screenings and an interesting international exhibition of the Wroclaw avant-garde.

Until July 23rd, the Museum of Contemporary Art will be the venue for the multimedia bonanza “Summer in MSU”. Apart from rock band concerts taking place on the museum’s roof, which is a challenge for all musicians, the programme will also feature film screenings. One purchased ticket is also valid for admission to the “Wild West, Neo Avant-Garde from Wroclaw” exhibition.
The music programme consists of six concerts by renowned rock bands from Croatia and the legendary Polish band Kormorany, whose free concert opened the “Summer in MSU”. Apart from concerts by the excellent Croatian bands Pavel and Pips, Chips & Videoclips, which are already behind us, audiences can still look forward to performances by the legendary bands Let3, TBF and Psihomodo Pop.
Every Saturday there will be screenings of interesting films, and visitors can also view the exhibition of the Wroclaw Avant-Garde, which is the museum’s most important international exhibition in 2016. The exhibition features artworks, films, documentary photographs, items and audio recordings from the field of visual arts, architecture, urbanism, theatre, film, design and everyday life in Wroclaw from the 1960s until today. That is why the concert by the Polish band Kormorany, currently the only active representative of the Wroclaw avant-garde from the 1960s, opened this year’s “Summer in MSU” as a gift to visitors.
Published: 01.07.2016