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Carnival – Masked Ball at Lisinski

The most entertaining and magnificent masked ball in Zagreb will be held on 25 February in the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall. Revellers at Lisinski this year will dance in fancy dress to the sounds of the pop group Colonia and its charismatic singer Indira.

The band will be joined by the Zuzana Association for the Promotion of Dance and the Sheherezade Dance Group which will introduce us to oriental dance, while the Back to Swing Dance Association will provide additional entertainment. There will also be jugglers at Lisinski, belly dancers, acrobats from Cirkorama, fortune tellers, fire eaters, creators of masks and body painters. All of this and a wealth of food and drink. There will be a fancy dress competition with prizes for the best womens’, mens’, group and children’s costumes.

The Masked Ball is a charitable event sponsored by the Rotary Club Zagreb Centre. Part of the proceeds from the sale of the tickets will be donated as grants for gifted and disadvantaged secondary school pupils.

As always the Museum of the City of Zagreb will be joining in the Carnival events. The last weekend of the Carnival, 25 and 26 February, is reserved for the programme “Living Pictures.” This non-commercial museum programme is based on similar events held towards the end of the 19th century in Zagreb. Museum employees, partners and friends dress up as characters from Zagreb’s past and talk to the visitors directly, telling them about the personal histories of their characters and the history of the city at the time they lived.

Published: 06.02.2017