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Cest is d'Best: The Festival that Lives on the Streets

The “Cest is d’Best” festival is an international multimedia street festival bringing the city streets and squares to life, filling them with renewed charm and optimism.

The international Cest is d’Best festival will this year for the 22nd time draw people to the city streets and squares to be part of the performance or the audience. It will be uplifting, energetic, cultured, fun, full of smiles for children, working people, clowns, trade union members, students, pensioners, trumpeters, strangers, locals, hedonists, idealists and more… From 30 May to 3 June the programme will unfold over six city stages. Five days full of performances, music, drama and events for children, art lovers, sports fans and more await visitors.

This year too the festival events will completely transform the city centre. Performers of all kinds from all over the world will appear before an audience of tens of thousands. Baby races, waiter races, a big race of cleaners on tricycles… a sign language school, the slowest bicycle ride, a wandering piano are just part of the varied programme which is given a special charm by the music stages on Trg bana Jelačića, Cvjetni trg, Bogovićeva ulica, Strossmayerovo šetalište, Tkalčićeva ulica and Zrinjevac park.

Published: 02.05.2018