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Dear friends and business partners!

We have entered the month which officially marks the beginning of spring, although in Zagreb spring is already in the air wherever one looks. Beautiful flower beds in Zagreb’s parks, the colourful flowers at Flower Square and “pušleki” – which is what the citizens of Zagreb call the small flower bouquets that are sold on the picturesque street leading from the main city square towards the Dolac Market, are the most obvious signs that one of the most beautiful seasons has finally arrived. But they are not the only harbingers of spring; just as indicative is the life that is increasingly pouring onto the city squares and terraces.

The streets of Zagreb are coming to life along with nature, while the calendar of cultural and other events becomes longer. We are sure that among them everyone will find something to suit their interest.

Zagreb will also attract you with its diverse offer of restaurants, cafes and patisseries. Whatever you may desire – from continental to Mediterranean food, from savoury dishes to desserts, simple meals to real gastronomic specialties – your choice will be rewarded with a true pleasure of indigenous flavours. For many, its culmination will occur during Easter time, a holiday the city will be celebrating the entire month.


Yours sincerely,

Martina Bienenfeld


Zagreb Tourist Board 



Published: 01.03.2016