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Dear friends and business partners!

This July the whole of Zagreb is a big summer stage! Musicians, actors, artists, concerts, exhibitions, dances, films, walks and pleasant shade such as that found in Maksimir Park, all of that is here in order to make a hot summer more carefree, more beautiful, more fun!

Top-flight musicians such as Tomislav Mužek will once again provide good cheer in “Evenings on Grič” at Klovićevi dvori. As every year there will be folk dancing on Zagreb’s streets and squares, music will be played on the roof of the Museum of Contemporary Art and films will be watched in the open air. However, this July is making more use than ever of the city’s great potential and some “new” city stages, such as the summer charm of Tuškanac or the playful Ribnjak Park. Just a couple of minutes’ walk, just a couple of streets more and from the very centre of the city you arrive at a pleasant oasis of peace such as the Art Park which is between Tomićeva ulica, Ilica and Strossmayerovo šetalište. A formerly abandoned park has been revitalised, given a facelift and transformed into an open air museum making it unique in this part of Europe. Themed workshops, yoga, the Little Market, music, the Art Park offers all of this to the people of Zagreb and our guests. And in the evening and again in Gornji grad, feel for example the magical atmosphere of the courtyards of Gornji grad’s palaces. Because the Courtyards and their programme of entertainments bring us a breath of that “old” Zagreb.

The popular mobile application Zagreb Be There, which suggests to tourists various thematic journeys for sightseeing in the city with the help of a smartphone, has refreshed its recommendations for visitors with three new routes. The television presenter Robert Knjaz has put together an original and fun route "Great Croats". If you take it you will learn about Slavoljub Penkala, Matija Gubec, Tin Ujević, the film "Tko pjeva zlo ne misli" [One Song a Day Takes Mischief Away] and the unknown boy who had a statue raised to him. Street artist Boris Bare has put together the route "Street Art" with the most interesting Zagreb murals, while Nick Colgan, the initiator of the Garden Festival and the craft brewery of the same name has put together a beer route, the "Craft Route".

The Zagreb summer is part of our tourist offering which has earned one more valuable accolade. It arrives from Hong Kong. According to readers of “U Magazine”, the most significant Hong Kong tourist publication, as part of a competition for a new destination Zagreb was awarded the title “Most Admirable Holiday”. Among 12 great powers in international tourism and tourist destinations only two European cities received awards – Vienna and Zagreb!

Martina Bienenfeld
CEO, Zagreb Tourist Board

Published: 30.06.2017