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January brings us a whole series of top sporting events. On the Sljeme peak the Snow Queen Trophy once again gathers the world’s best skiers in a race that every year means much more than just winning points.

The numbers are impressive: for example, there will be 150 competitors and 500 accredited journalists and photo reporters. This year for the first time competitor numbers will be drawn at the “Ice Park” ice rink, meaning the world’s best skiers will be part of the best Christmas market in Europe, helping promote Zagreb and Croatia as an exceptional tourist destination. The best Croatian skiers of all time, Janica and Ivica Kostelić, will not be competing this year in the battle for the title of Snow Queen and King, but to the delight of their fans Ivica will be appearing and taking an honorary run down the course. The Snow Queen Trophy will once again be more than sport, it is an event packed with fun and good cheer, for competitors and spectators alike. It will be just the same the day after the Snow Queen Trophy when the World Para Alpine Skiing World Cup will be held.
Fans of indoor sports have a treat in store from 12 to 28 January when Croatia hosts the European Handball Championships. Zagreb has the honour of playing host to the best handball players of Germany, Macedonia, Montenegro and Slovenia and their many fans in the group phase of the competition. In the elimination phase we have no doubt that the “Vatreni” Croatian team will be taking part at Zagreb Arena in order to finally win a European gold. A packed Arena guarantees a handball extravaganza.
In a year when the European Handball Championships and the Winter Olypmics are both taking place, the annual “Museum Night” has sport as its theme. Museum Night in 2018 has as its motto “The most important thing is to take part!”, and the name of the event sends the message “Museums and sport – faster, higher, stronger… citius, altius, fortius…”.
An event which started out in 2005 as a pilot project in six Zagreb museums is today a renowned event which attracts exceptionally high numbers of visitors across 110 Croatian towns and cities. The last Friday of the month is a chance for a new visit to one of Zagreb’s many excellent museums and a chance for those who have not already done so to fall in love with visiting museums.
Martina Bienenfeld
CEO, Zagreb Tourist Board
Published: 31.12.2017