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Dear citizens of Zagreb, dear guests!

The June is knocking on the door, the month that marks the beginning of the summer, and so is the leak of many summer events in our Zagreb. With numerous events the city is visited by a large number of foreign and domestic tourists. With the arrival of warmer weather, the city becomes an increasingly popular tourist center, while year-to-year the ever-richer tourist offer offers competitive recognition.

This year, the 13th regular INmusic festival, which is traditionally held in Jarun, is back in the town. Audiences from all over the world are delighted with the arrangement of the INmusic Festival and the unique atmosphere and content of the festival. INmusic's Tesla Tower Replica is proudly on Jarun and is a kind of reminder of previous great festivals, as well as a daily call for upcoming INmusic # 13. The INmusic Tower will once again glow in honor of the great musicians and people who make the world a better and more beautiful one.

In June, visit the Design District Zagreb festival in the block between Šubićeva, Zvonimirova, Draškovićeva and Vlaška. The program is designed to participate in the widest circle of citizens, and they will be able to visit many unusual locations in the public, exhibitions, installations, green oases, workshops, lectures, music events and performances. In this way, citizens interested in design, but also residents of the neighborhood, designers, artists, architects, musicians and other creators will jointly encourage the creation of new content and to explore and revitalize unused spaces.

After four successful seasons, this year, in the fifth season of Summer in MSU, you will be waiting for six unforgettable concerts on the roof of the Museum of Contemporary Art. The unique multimedia program already traditionally on Saturdays brings a lot of irresistible artistic content, and this year on principle "5 in 1": music, film, exhibitions, performances and premierly - literary readings.

In addition to these numerous events, we invite you to visit Zagreb Time Machine where you will be able to travel to the rich Zagreb past. The heroes of tales told long ago will pass by you on the streets of Gornji grad; characters from legends and real people too – ordinary people and famous greats who shaped Zagreb’s past. In park Maksimir spend your Saturday afternoon for whole day gathering at Zagreb’s picnic.

The beautiful and once completely lonely park in the center of the city has been transformed into a place of all kinds of art, relaxing summer gatherings and a good atmosphere. In the period from May to October, Art Park hosts numerous artists from Croatia and the world who, leaving their mark, make this place an art gallery in the open. Various workshops for large and small films, movie screenings, ping-pong workshops, music evenings that meet different tastes are held, and numerous art festivals are part of their program regularly on the green areas of this oasis of the city, located between Ilica, Tomićeva ulica and Strossmayer's promenade.

The June really is too short for all the events that this month will take place in our beautiful city.

Sincerely yours,

Mayor of the City of Zagreb

Milan Bandić

Published: 18.09.2018