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For the first time in Zagreb – Le Dîner en Blanc

There is just one day in the year that is so special that it manages to bring together thousands of people dressed only in white, in a secret location to enjoy an unforgettable gourmet meal.

Le Dîner en Blanc, the popular Parisian pop-up picnic, is coming to Zagreb this spring! Le Dîner en Blanc, or Dinner in White, is an international gourmet event which is held in more than 70 cities worldwide. It will be held in Zagreb for the first time on 20 May, and as is customary its location will only be made known one hour before dinner commences!

Thus on 20 May Zagreb will join the list of global cities which already hold this event. Le Dîner en Blanc was first held in Paris in 1988 when François Pasquier had the idea of gathering his friends for a picnic. As the number of guests was larger than anticipated he decided to hold the dinner in a public place and to ask all those attending to dress from head to toe in white in order to be more easily recognisable. Almost 30 years later, more than 10,000 Parisians were taking part. The first Le Dîner en Blanc outside Paris was in Montreal in 2009, then in New York two years later. After its success in New York the organisation Le Dîner en Blanc International was formed in order to start up the institution in other large cities too. Today Le Dîner en Blanc is held in more than 70 cities around the world, including London, Sydney, Tokyo, Mexico City, Toronto and Los Angeles, with more than 100,000 guests each year. The aim of the dinner is to promote socializing, friendship, elegance, secrecy and equality. It is worth repeating, all participants must be dressed in white. Everyone brings his or her own table, two chairs, a tablecloth, cutlery, food and a floral decoration, and the table must be set in white.

Published: 05.04.2017