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Longer, greener, more varied – Design District Zagreb

The second Design District Zagreb Festival, enjoyed by some 30,000 visitors last year, will this year last two days longer, from 13 to 18 June.

The Festival will be longer, more comprehensive and greener! This year's Festival is introducing a new programme – the Green Programme. Environmental protection and sustainable development in the context of design, architecture and urban activism will be united in a separate segment and will offer potential participants the chance to register their own proposals and projects designed to contribute to the high quality, thoughtful and functional usage of resources in the “Design District” and as a result also in other parts of the city.

The first festival brought together 220 participants and resulted in 115 completed projects, while 84 local partners joined in the initiative with their own contributions. In the run-up to the festival and over the four days of its duration 78 micro locations were brought into action which were visited by some 30,000 people. A rich programme of events included indoor and outdoor exhibitions, installations and interventions into public spaces, expert guided tours of architectural points of interest in city neighbourhoods, valuable and stimulative prizes, workshops, discussions and round tables, a book fair and literary and musical evenings. All of this and many more events will once again be open to the public in June, and an even more varied programme aimed at all age groups is expected.

Published: 05.04.2017