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Once again on the city streets - The Zagreb Time Machine Kicks off

From late April until the beginning of October the city streets and squares will once again come to life as the Zagreb Time Machine starts again. It will show visitors Zagreb as it once was and also what it is like today.

With the arrival of spring, the city streets and squares are once again becoming livelier, and the good rhythm is enhanced by the Zagreb Time Machine. The traditional event is organised by the Zagreb Tourist Board and enjoyed by the citizens of Zagreb and numerous tourists alike. It consists of eight happenings which take place in the city centre and portray Zagreb’s rich history and customs.

The Zagreb Time Machine begins on April 23rd and lasts until early October.It will be staged at Kaptol, Dolac, Tkalčićeva Street and the Square of Ban Josip Jelačić. All of these locations will feature a plethora of events for everyone to enjoy. Numerous characters from Zagreb’s legends, but also real people from Zagreb’s history, will take visitors on a journey to the past, starting from the Upper Town. Visitors will have the opportunity to chat with the first Croatian female journalist and renowned novelist Marija Jurić Zagorka, or get to know the Croatian poet, essay and travelogue writer Antun Gustav Matoš. Other renowned people will also be present, and one might even run into Pavle and Dora, Zagreb’s Romeo and Juliet, who will tell you their sad love story. During weekend mornings, street musicians will perform old city love songs at the Upper Town, while members of folklore ensembles will present the songs and dances typical of Zagreb’s surroundings. Particularly attractive are the meetings with kumice at Dolac Market.These assiduous women, clad in traditional clothing, will greet visitorsand offer autochthonous produce from Zagreb’s surroundings.  

If you are a fan of waltzes, evergreens and serenades, do not forget the promenade concerts at Zrinjevac. They will take place on Sundays during the day, while dance evenings will be organised during the evening hours. There will also be music in Maksimir Park, as well as on Zagreb’s most picturesque street – Tkalčićeva, which features numerous restaurants, bars, pubs…  There is music everywhere on this street, ranging from rock and jazz to other music genres, and the atmosphere is very unique. Every weekend, exactly at noon, the plateau in front of St. Mark’s Church in the Upper Town will be the site of the changing of the guard of the Cravat Regiment, which is always widely attended by numerous citizens of Zagreb as well as tourists who find it a real attraction. The two-hour ceremony is performed by the Croatian light cavalry regiment. Its soldiers, who fought during the Thirty Year War in the 13th century, were known for their courage and recognisable by their uniforms, which introduced the necktie into European fashion.  After the line-up and weapons check, the regiment is separated and the soldiers take their positions in St. Mark’s Square, the Square of Ban Josip Jelačić and next to the statue of Her Lady at Kaptol. They are accompanied by armourers, trumpeters, drummers, flag bearers and the commander, and so the entire program gives tourists an insight into the glorious past of the forgotten tradition of soldiers.

That, however, is only part of the story about the Zagreb Time Machine, which also consists of other programmes complementing this attractive tourist event. That is why everyone is invited to come and discover what Zagreb was once like, but also to see what it is like today, because once you have visited it you will always want to return.

More information about the Zagreb Time Machine can be found online at

Published: 01.04.2016