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The Amadeo Scene – the Upper Town stage
This summer too, from June to July, the people of Zagreb and their guests will be able to dive into a world of music, literature and visual arts at the Amadeo Scene in Gornji grad.

The new, 18th edition of this cultural and artistic programme brings us, among other things, the continuation of last summer’s “Little Night Conversations” by Milana Vuković Runjić. Through her thoughts and experiences in the world of art, as well as everyday life, in the historical Atrium of the Croatian Natural History Museum the audience will be presented with six women: art historian and author Željka Čorak; writer, critic and theatre specialist Mani Gotovac; artists Anja Šovagović Despot and Marija Sekelez; musicologist Seadeta Midžić and music diva Gabi Novak. Apart from them, Milana will also host the art historian and poet Igor Zidić.
Towards the end of June the Amadeo Scene celebrates 80 years since the birth of the Croatian film and visual artist Tomislav Gotovac. On that occasion cult films will be shown, from his “The Morning of a Faun” to “Plastic Jesus” by Lazar Stojanović in which Gotovac plays the leading role. Film expert Nikica Gilić, film theorist and critic Hrvoje Turković and art historian, critic, poet and essayist Zvonko Maković will speak about the opus of this great artist, as will photographers Mio Vesović and Ivan Posavec.
The world of visual arts will be presented by artist Dominique Jurić with the exhibition “Solilokvijum” [“Soliloquy”]. This is the ninth in a series of exhibitions dedicated to the academic painter and graphic artist Izabela Šimunović who died tragically young, by means of which the Amadeo Scene and the Croatian Natural History Museum present visual artists whose works are inspired by themes from natural history.
The musical programme of the Amadeo Scene is also packed in July and August. There will be the pianist Aljoša Jurinić, the guitaristsSrđan Bulat and Petrit Çeku, Miroslav Tadić and Tamara Obrovac, Sara Renar, Božo Vrećo and Merima Ključo, the Lado Ensemble, Gypsy Band Juerga and Mariachi Los Caballeros. It is worth especially highlighting two concerts under the heading Matija Dedić and Friends, at which this leading Croatian pianist and jazz musician will host colleagues with whom he has performed for years: Merima Ključo, Lidija Bajuk, Sara Renar and Matej Meštrović, Tedi Spalato and Kristijan Beluhan.
Published: 03.07.2017