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The Croatian National Theatre - The Festival of World Theatre

Between September 9th and 24th, the Croatian National Theatre will be the venue for the 14th Festival of World Theatre, which will feature three masterpieces by globally renowned theatre directors.

This year’s Festival of World Theatre will be opened by the play “The Marriage of Maria Braun” by renowned German director Thomas Ostermeier. Works by this theatre stage master are well known to the Zagreb audience because he is one of the most frequent festival guests. His play will be performed by actors of the Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz Theatre of Berlin. The play is based on the screenplay for the film classic by Rainer Werner Fassbinder, and it tells the story of post-war Germany, the cleansing of the Third Reich’s dark past and the economic renaissance of the modern day superpower based on the leading role of a woman.  

Apart from this theatre masterpiece, audiences will also have the opportunity to see the play “Time’s Journey Through a Room” by Japanese director Toshiki Okada, performed by the chelfitsch theatre troupe. Okada is one of the key contemporary Japanese theatre authors, whose play/project explores the state of current Japanese society by clashing the world of the living and the dead.

The final of the three plays is “Tristesses” by Anne-Cécile Vandalem, produced by Das Fräulein Kompanie of Belgium. This theatre music project is the author’s exploration of one of the scariest modern day political tools – the manipulation of the masses using the tool of sadness, focusing on the power of the media and the way propaganda works.

More information, including the play schedule, can be found online at Tickets can also be purchased online via the site, and the price of a ticket package for all three plays is 300 kuna.


Published: 02.09.2016