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The Museum of Arts and Crafts - Attractive exhibitions until the end of the year

A large exhibition dedicated to design and photography by authors Bachrach & Krištofić will open the Museum of Arts and Crafts’ autumn season, which will be marked by some very attractive exhibitions.

The first in an array of six attractive exhibitions featured at the Museum of Arts and Crafts until the end of the year is the large exhibition by authors Bachrach and Krištofić which is scheduled to take place between September 7th and October 23rd. The long awaited solo exhibition by the renowned designer/photographer couple, Sanja Bachrach and Mario Krištofić, will be an overview of their successful 35-year-long opus. The two life and work partners have a lot of works under their belts. They successfully combine photography and design by using various genres of visual arts and creative industries. While tackling various themes they do not shy away from entering into other creative areas, such as art photography and design in culture, as well as highly valuable projects in the discography industry, pop culture and popular art.

Apart from selected photographs, their numerous exhibited works will also include award winning covers for records and CDs released by Jugoton and Croatia Records, posters, books and catalogues  as well as concepts for the visual identities of various cultural projects, such as exhibitions and theatre plays at Teatar &TD, the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery, The Museum of Contemporary Art, etc.

Apart from the exhibition of these two versatile artists, the 9th Biennial Exhibition of the Croatian Design Society will open on September 13th. This is traditionally organised at the Museum of Arts and Crafts and the goal of this exhibition is to provide insight into quality design production over the previous two years. Apart from presenting the best Croatian design, the exhibition also strives to present the use and benefits of design as a factor of competitive economy. The exhibition will be open until October 16th.  At the end of the month, on September 22nd, another interesting exhibition will open – “Russia: Life, Places, Moments”. It will feature unusual photographs by Russian and foreign photographers – impressive images of this vast land. The exhibition is organised in cooperation with Russia Beyond the Headlines, whose team has gathered photographs which cannot be found in any tourist brochure, and it will be open until October 9th.


Published: 02.09.2016