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The Nikola Tesla Technical Museum - The Molecules that Changed the World

Until October 23rd, the Nikola Tesla Technical Museum will feature an interesting exhibition, “The Molecules that Changed the World”, quite suitable for everyone as it does not require any previous knowledge.

Until October 23rd, the Nikola Tesla Technical Museum will feature the exhibition “The Molecules that Changed the World”. The exhibition presents the properties and uses of molecules that have been discovered throughout history, as well as their influence on the development of civilisation. The exhibition, which was conceived as an inspirational insight into the chemistry of known molecules, is suitable for everyone as it requires no previous knowledge.

The central parts of the exhibition are 3D projections of the molecules which have influenced human development and scientific knowledge, as well as history and society as a whole. Some of the displayed molecules, such as water and carbon dioxide, have existed since the geologic beginnings of planet Earth, while others such as polyethylene and DDT have been created in chemistry labs. DNA and fullerene, whose understanding initiated the development of molecular biology and nanotechnology, greatly influenced the development of new technologies that are changing the world right before our eyes and they will have a major role to play in the future.

This exhibition is the first occasion on which the molecular songs by chemist Thierry Delatour have been used as the audio backdrop. He transposes the molecules’ vibrations into audible frequencies so we can hear them, and he showed us that they are unusually harmonious molecule songs.

Published: 02.06.2016