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The StartUp Factory Zagreb - Innovative tourism solutions for a smart city

Apply and take the opportunity to enter the StartUp Factory Zagreb programme of pre-acceleration, because your development team or start-up can be allocated up to 150.000 kuna of non-refundable assets.

If you have a great idea with a Smart City Tourism development potential, apply and make use of a unique opportunity by entering the StartUp Factory Zagreb programme of pre-acceleration. 

The StartUp Factory Zagreb pre-acceleration programme can prepare your start-up or development team to enter accelerators and raise additional funds through an intensive three-month programme which includes education, free office space, mentorship and a network of foreign contacts, as well as the possibility of acquiring 150.000 kuna of non-refundable assets per team. Make sure to attend the MeetUp on September 9th and get to know this fantastic programme.

The StartUp Factory Zagreb is the first non equity pre-acceleration programme in Croatia, which means it does not interfere with the ownership structure of a business subject. It was founded by the Zagreb Development Agency in cooperation with the leading ICT companies as part of the Zagreb Technological Park, and it is backed by the city and the Zagreb Tourist Board, the Prague StartUp Centre, Lean StartUp Croatia, eSTUDENT and Spin City.

Applications to enter the StartUp Factory Zagreb pre-acceleration programme can be submitted until September 12th, and more detailed information can be found online at


Published: 02.09.2016