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Zagreb Pop Up Drama– Unexpected Drama on the Streets of Zagreb
Zagreb Pop Up Drama is an artistic project and an urban intervention, a blend of theatre, design, temporary architecture, street art and new media.

The theatre sets are constructed from recycled and upcycled materials placed in busy Zagreb locations, and intervene in distinctive urban exteriors. The artfully designed sets represent scenes from Croatian literary plays and biographies, or are themes connected with Zagreb.
After the drama and photography performances which open each of the scenes, the temporary stages remain on location for a further 48 hours. All passers-by and visitors are welcome to have their photo taken there, to act in the suggested plays or create their own, and to publish their photo or video works on Facebook and Instagram with the hashtag #PopUpDramaZagreb, so becoming a part of a virtual archive of this innovative project.
Published: 03.07.2018