Museum of the famous writer
Marija Jurić Zagorka’s Apartment Opens its Doors
Fans of the works by Marija Jurić Zagorka can finally view the apartment in which the most renowned Croatian female writer, and first female journalist, once lived and worked. Apart from organized group visits, every Thursday will feature book presentations.
The Gastronomic Offer
Experience the retro atmosphere!
Coffee served on a small side table, long-forgotten tunes playing quietly on a wooden radio, the smell of the good old times… Such an escape to the past is nowadays enabled by an increasing number of Zagreb’s restaurateurs and café owners, who provide their guests with an original atmosphere for ritual coffee drinking in a “new” retro style.
VIP Snow Queen Trophy
The best skiers once again in Zagreb
As with every year, in early January Zagreb will once again host the slalom races of the Alpine Ski World Cup for both men and women. The women’s slalom race, the VIP Snow Queen Trophy, will take place on January 3rd while the best male slalom skiers will compete on January 6th, when Sljeme will feature an attractive night race.
Zigante Truffles
Exquisite delicacies in the heart of the city
Along with many indigenous dishes and specialties of ever-expanding global cuisines, the citizens of Zagreb and their guests can now taste exquisite delicacies from truffles, which are being sold at the recently opened store on Vlaška Street, in the heart of the city.