June 2012  

Dear citizens and guests of Zagreb!
We still remember last June with fondness in our hearts when our dearest guest, Pope Benedict XVI, arrived in our city and our state on a pastoral and state visit. The event was widely covered by the global media.

Dear friends and business partners!
Parks, open air cafes and creative floral arrangements make springtime in Zagreb beautiful. Yet, every year something new is added to the rich catalogue of the city's attractions.
1st Zagreb Tourfilm Festival
Enjoy the Best Tourist Films in the World
The Zagreb Tourfilm Festival has become a candidate for membership in CIFFT (Comité International des Festivals du Film Touristique) giving it the right to show the best tourist films in the world in the Croatian metropolis. The first edition of the festival will be held at the Mimara Museum from 4th to 6th July.
Summer at Štross 2012
The most relaxing part of Zagreb's summer…
When the sun starts burning, Zagreb starts “moving” to the Upper Town where the Summer at Štross programmes will go on from 29.th May to 2nd September and offer visitors heaps of fun in the deep shade. Join the crowds and head for one of the most romantic promenades in the city to partake in daily entertainment for all generations.
our pick
: Maksimir Park - Recreation in the City's Green Oasis
: A Great Promotion of Zagreb - Zagreb's attractions on Chinese national television
: The Museum of Zagrebačka Pivovara (Zagreb's Brewery) - Have a beer and learn something about it!
: Adria Air Race Zagreb 2012 - An acrobatic sensation in the sky
: MUO Presents Invaluable Heritage - The Silver of Ancient Vinkovci – The Archaeological Find of a Treasure Chest
: Jarun - A Place for Fun and Night Life
: Zagreb Fair - Glory Dayz – A New Music Festival
: Zagreb City Museum - Dubrava Zagreb – From the Suburb to the City
: International Design Festival - 3rd Day D in Zagreb
: 7th Park-in-Zagreb - Come One and All to Ribnjak this Summer!

Tel: +385 1 48-14-052 / 053
e-mail: info@zagreb-touristinfo.hr
The Westin Zagreb Hotel
ECM Annual Conference and General Assembly
Representatives of tourist offices and convention bureaus of European cities will gather at the Westin Hotel Zagreb between 6th and 9th June to attend the European Cities Marketing Annual Conference and General Assembly.
46th International Folklore Festival
Children and Folklore
Between 18th and 22nd June, Ban Josip Jelačić Square and Gradec will again be the main venues for the International Folklore Festival. The theme of this year's event is dedicated to children's folklore.

Fantastic Zagreb Film Festival
Are you up for some horror under the open sky?
For the second year in a row, the Fantastic Zagreb Film Festival will take place under the summer sky of Zagreb. During this attractive event, which will last from 29th June to 6th July, there will be projections of over 30 films; sci-fi, horrors, thrillers, animated films and similar genres. There will also be workshops, panel discussions, night film marathons and a number of other surprises.

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Published by: Zagreb Tourist Board   |   Produced by: U.T. Marketing d.o.o., Zagreb