September 2007  

Dear Friends and Business Partners!
With the summer drawing to an end, light topics are slowly making room for more serious topics, primarily those related to business plans. In September, Zagreb's population grows - after summer vacations, many students return to their schools, together with city dwellers who abandoned its streets to spend the summer on the coast or in other destinations. September is also the month that marks the beginning of a long period during which Zagreb is visited by a great number of business people.
Tokyo - Zagreb
Japanese Tourists Arrive on the First Direct Charter Flight
Towards the end of August, 346 Japanese tourists arrived at Zagreb Airport on the first direct flight from Tokyo to Zagreb. Besides Zagreb, the Japanese guests visited Plitvice, Split and Dubrovnik. And this was just the beginning. The entire program will be completed by three more charter flights which will bring a total of 1,400 Japanese visitors to Croatia.
Rich Accommodation Offer
Whatever you may desire - luxurious hotels with tradition, modern facilities with matching interiors, those that belong to international hotel chains or family run hotels with distinctive atmospheres, designer hotels or hostels adapted to a younger audience, you will find it in Zagreb - accommodations to fulfill your needs and desires.
our pick
: We have selected for you - La Dolce Vita Guaranteed!
: A Tour of the City and its Surroundings - A Rich Offer of the City Tour Program
: Mimara Museum - Two New Exhibitions to Mark the 20th Anniversary!
: September in Zrinjevac Park - Care for a Dance?
: Events in Town - Fourth International Competition of Young Conductors
: Zagreb and Its Environs - Where to Go for an Excursion?
: The International Ski Federation (FIS) - Zagreb to Host the Next Three World Cup Slalom Competitions
: Curiosities - Who Took the Cell Phone?
Tel: +385 1 48-14-052 / 053
Business Autumn
Zagreb - a Place Where Business People Meet
After the summer break, already in September, the Zagreb business autumn starts with the Zagreb International Autumn Fair. This year, the Fair will be held for the 83rd time, between 11 and 16 September. During those days, the Croatian capital will become the meeting point for guests from all over the world.
September in Theatre
The 5th Zagreb Festival of World Theatre 2007
From the 15th to the 23rd of September, Zagreb will be the host of the 5th Festival of World Theatre. The festival has become a regular September event. This year, it will again present a selection of the best and most innovative world theatre creations.

The Corner Stone Laid for Zagreb Arena
Zagreb Arena, an attractive multipurpose hall whose construction started in July, is being built for the World Handball Championship 2009. When completed, it will make the capital of Croatia even more attractive for other sporting, cultural and similar events.

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Published by: Zagreb Tourist Board   |   Produced by: U.T. Marketing d.o.o., Zagreb