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New journeys by Zagreb Time Machine

The people of Zagreb and their guests will once again travel by time machine, the Zagreb Time Machine which will transport them and bring them to characters from legends and real people who made their mark on Zagreb's past.

Once again the streets of Zagreb will be walked by Marija Jurić Zagorka, Antun Gustav Matoš and Ljudevit Gaj; the City Guard will once again watch over us; once more at weekends we will stroll the streets of Kaptol and Dolac market where the dairy sellers dressed in folk costume offer their authentic produce; as well as “old” Tkalča and Zrinjevac, and we'll see how people used to live, work, dance and sing.

A new round of romantic journeys starts on 22 April with promenade concerts on Zrinjevac and will run until the first days of October. All events which are part of the Zagreb Time Machine are free of charge, and the complete programme is in a brochure available in Tourist Information Centres, as well as at the locations of the events themselves and on the web site

Published: 05.04.2017