

February 2021

Tourism in 2021: Zagreb Awaits You

The pandemic changed many rules governing the way we live and consequently the way we travel, but what is certain is that, with changes in behaviour and the approved vaccine, tourism goes on. Zagreb awaits you!

Dear citizens and visitors of Zagreb!

We slowly entered February, a month dedicated to carnivals, masquerade processions and love. This is the time when you can wear any mask, show your creativity, be someone else for a while and allow yourself a prank or two.


Dear friends and business partners!

With the awakening of spring there comes a time for more frequent tourist trips. Even though this year circumstances are unusual, traveling has not lost its charm.


The City as a Gallery: Meštrović in Zagreb

A walk through Zagreb is more than a journey towards a destination; it is also a tour of an open-air art gallery which among others holds priceless heritage of the world-famous sculptor and architect, Ivan Meštrović.


Valentine’s Day is Approaching: Zagreb for Couples

On Valentine’s Day, or any other day that you find special, Zagreb offers a unique atmosphere, warm welcome and many opportunities to spend time in a pleasant and entertaining way. Let these days in the City with a Million Hearts be the ones to remember this year once again.


Untold Tales: There Is Always Another Step and Another Word

Every city has its untold tales, those that await you after another word, another step, another door left ajar. The tales of Zagreb from the blog entitled LoveZagreb are told by two tour guides who know all secrets from Zagreb’s past and present.


Remote festival: Regional Virtual Festival

If you thought this was just another festival which has temporarily become virtual, you were wrong. The first Remote festival is virtual, but it will also stay in the virtual world.

Dolac Market: Flavours, Scents, and Rhythm of the City
Carnival in Zagreb: the Scent of Berliners is Everywhere
A Fleeting Meeting: Let's Meet in Flower Square!
Easter Is Near: Holiday Spirit in the City
An Exhibition: From Croatia to the World, About People who Changed History
Gruntek: Rent and Create Your Own Garden, Enjoy Organic Vegetables!
Mala scena: Theater Is Coming to See You!

Winter Wonderland - Medvednica And Samobor Mountains

Although it seems to many that the ideal time for hiking trips is in the warmer months, nature in winter has a special charm and carries its own beauties that can only be experienced during that time.

Doors of the Upper Town

Has it ever happened to you, as you walked around an old town, that you found yourself mesmerized by a simple door? Where does it lead? Who lives behind? Can I enter, can I peep through the keyhole?


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Published by: Zagreb Tourist Board | Produced by: UTM Revija d.o.o., Zagreb
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