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Virtual Guide: Get to Know Zagreb in a Different Way With go!ng places

Application go!ng places reveals life in Zagreb in a way it is seen and experienced by the locals. This is precisely what visitors look for and like.

The real life of the city, its everyday life and spots which citizens of Zagreb find attractive have a special meaning for tourists as well. Virtual guide go!ng places, which is popular among many tourists who use it to explore Croatia, will introduce visitors to these local spots and stories.

The application offers attractive routes around Zagreb or creates them for you based on chosen content. It also suggests attractive locations with various cultural, gastro and recreational activities, while providing simple explanations about what is characteristic of the Zagreb way of life and customs of locals. This is increasingly important since many tourists have high esteem of the Zagreb way of life. It is the main reason for the fact that many foreign citizens decided to make Zagreb their temporary or permanent home.

The application can be downloaded free of charge via Google Play and App Store (going places app).



Published: 06.04.2023