“Bodies Revealed” exhibition arrives in Zagreb

After being viewed by almost 15 million visitors worldwide, the intriguing exhibition of human anatomy, “Bodies Revealed”, has arrived in Zagreb. It will remain on display at the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery until July 11th. This educational exhibition reveals real human anatomy and Zagreb is the only city in this part of Europe in which the exhibition will be on display.

The world-renowned educational exhibition, “Bodies Revealed”, which is an impressive collection of actual human organs, has arrived in Zagreb. It will be displayed at the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery, which all interested members of the public will have an opportunity to visit until July 11th. The exhibition represents actual human anatomy and the collection consists of 12 entire human bodies and around 200 precisely dissected organs. Although, to many, the sight of real human organs may not seem very appealing at first, the exhibition has become very popular and has, thus far, been viewed by some 15 million people.

The primary goal of the exhibition is to educate visitors about themselves; to better understand the structure and function of human organs, which is the reason why the exhibits are real and not fake.
Unlike models, which idealize the body through the eyes of an artist, this exhibition represents the human body and its parts the way they really are: healthy, or with damage caused by disease or a long life. This unique exhibition offers visitors an insight into the complexities of the human organism and its functions.

The project was designed to guide visitors through an array of exhibit halls in which they can, successively, learn about the skeletal, muscular, reproductive, respiratory, circulatory, and other systems of the human body. Some of the dissected bodies are displayed in athletic poses so as to allow viewers to notice the changes in individual parts of the organism whilst engaged in daily activities.

In addition, by displaying individual human organs the exhibition also offers a clear insight into the damage caused by various factors, ranging from obesity and lack of physical activity, to smoking and various diseases.
The exhibition has been organized by Premier Exhibitions Inc. in cooperation with S2BN Entertainment and Gigart; Zagreb is the only city in this part of Europe where the exhibition will be displayed. Ticket prices range from 55 to 80 Kuna.

Published: 01.05.2010