Credo Musical – A Big Religious Spectacle

Following appearances in numerous European cities, a big religious spectacle, Credo Musical, is due to take place in Zagreb on 13th and 14th October at the Dražen Petrović Basketball Centre. Organized by the Cenacolo community, the musical has a line-up of some hundred performers who will treat the Zagreb audience to a true religious extravaganza.

The Cenacolo religious community based in the city of Saluzzo in Italy gathers young people who have found themselves let down by life. They will come to Zagreb to present a big religious spectacle, Musical Credo (I believe), on 13th and 14th October at the Dražen Petrović Basketball Centre. The hundred or so performers who take part in the musical come from all over the world. Over the past several years this religious spectacle has delighted audiences in numerous European cities. This year, on 14th July, the day of the Celebration of Life, it was performed in Saluzzo, the place where the community was founded. From there it travelled to  Međugorje, a well known Croatian Marian pilgrimage site, then it went on to Madrid to take part in the International Day of Youth, and then to the Fest der Hoffnung in the Austrian city of St. Margaretten. In October the musical will be staged at Creberg Bergamo Teatro in Italy’s Bergamo before it finally comes to Zagreb.

The Cenacolo Community was founded in July 1983 by Sr. Elvira. So far, as many as 56 fraternities have been opened all over the world. One of them is active in Zagreb, and just like all the others, it gathers young people who feel let down by everyday life; addicts and many other individuals to whom the community has provided with a path to faith and love. Among the community members are talented musicians, poets, actors, painters and sculptors who generate a number of joint activities. Over the years the community has produced quite a few theatre shows and musicals. The one coming to Zagreb, Credo, is the pinnacle of the community’s achievements over the past few years.

Although religious people and other good willed individuals all over the world would be more than interested in experiencing the musical first-hand, getting the spectacle together is quite a tall order, so the musical is not performed as often as audiences would like. Namely, in addition to the one hundred performers, the organization of this mega spectacle relies on a lot of equipment which needs to be transported in three to four trailer trucks. However, the message of love, peace and community it sends to the world is more than worthy of the effort.

Published: 03.09.2012