Maksimir – History and Neighbourhood Symbols

Until the end of May, the Zagreb City Museum will feature the third themed exhibition dedicated to Zagreb’s neighbourhoods. This time it is about the history and the neighbourhood symbols of Maksimir.

Until the end of May, the Zagreb City Museum will feature an exhibition, “Maksimir – History and Neighbourhood Symbols”. It is the third themed exhibition organized as part of the cultural project, “Zagreb’s Neighbourhoods”, ongoing since 2010. It is a research project with a very social approach because the neighbourhoods’ dwellers are included in the preparations for the exhibition, which features round tables, promotions, lectures and concerts.

Prior to the opening of this exhibition, there was a small street exhibition, “20 Neighbourhood Images of Old Maksimir”, organized toward the end of last year on Maksimirska Street. It was an invitation for the residents of Maksimir to donate money or items for the exhibition at the Zagreb City Museum. Cooperation was also realized with the neighbourhood institutions and associations.

This exhibition presents the history of the Maksimir neighbourhood, whose rapid development began in 1900 when Maksimir was connected with Zagreb. Through various themes, the exhibition portrays the construction and architecture, the social and cultural life, as well as entrepreneurship and businesses. The exhibition also presents the most important areas in the neighbourhood, and the city as a whole, including the Maksimir Park, the Zagreb Zoo, Maksimir Stadium and the Dinamo Football Club, Maksimir’s roads, its first artisans, the historic urban settlements of Željeznička Kolonija and Gogoljin Brijeg, the Patria factory, Fotokemika, Radioindustrija Zagreb, etc.

Published: 02.05.2014