Nikola Koydl’s Paintings and Objects

An exhibition by renowned artist Nikola Koydl has opened at the Arts and Crafts Museum. His presence on the Croatian art scene spans fifty years, during which his unique works have intrigued critics and the general public alike.

An exhibition by the renowned and unconventional Croatian artist, Nikola Koydl, entitled “Paintings and Objects”, has opened at the Arts and Crafts Museum. The fascinating author, a trend-setter rather than a trend-follower, has been active on the art scene for as long as fifty years. His unique works have often intrigued and even confused critics and audiences alike. Besides painting, he has also produced very accomplished works in the fields of drawing, print and plastic art. He is the recipient of some twenty highly coveted awards, including the 1999 “Vladimir Nazor Award” for painting and the 2009 Life Achievement Award. He has a number of exhibitions under his belt, including the one that marked the beginning of his global adventure - participation in the 53rd Venetian Biennale, together with Matko Vekić and Zoltan Novak.

At the exhibition at the Arts and Crafts Museum visitors can see 37 paintings and 15 objects of art, i.e. linear sculptures created by Nikola Koydl over the past ten years. All the exhibits follow the author’s main thematic determinants, such as his perception of landscapes, which is also the principal motif featured in his paintings. He approaches landscapes in a very individual way, finding in them such artistic elements which best express his feelings, and by creating a unique aesthetic system in the process, the one that has marked his artistic work.


Published: 01.02.2012