Puntijar Hotel Opens for Business

A small family hotel, Puntijar, the property of Zagreb’s renowned restaurateur, Zlatko Puntijar, has been recently opened at the foot Zagreb's Medvednica Mountain. The owner’s family has been in the restaurant business for 175 years.

Zagreb's hotel scene has a new addition: Hotel Puntijar, located at the foot of Zagreb's Medvednica Mountain. The hotel is owned by Zagreb’s renowned restaurateur, Zlatko Puntijar, whose family has been in the restaurant business for 175 years. The tradition has been nurtured and carefully passed on from one generation of the family to the next.

The four-star facility has 35 rooms. All are furnished with restored antique furniture, and the hotel also features a coffee bar, a meeting room and a gym. The hotel also houses a dental clinic where Dr. Andreja Puntijar will offer health tourism services to hotel guests. Part of the hotel's decor is the collection of 700 works of art by Croatian artists and family photos. They all tell the story of the life and work of the family which has been in the restaurant business for generations.

Apart from being known as an excellent restaurateur, Zlatko Puntijar is a renowned aficionado of culinary history. He is also a passionate collector and owner of the largest private gastronomic library in Europe, featuring two thousand books. The oldest cookbook in the collection is a German language lexicon of viticulture and cuisine dating back to 1743. His personal favourite is the first cookbook printed in Croatian dating from 1813 and featuring 554 recipes, whose author, Ivan Birling, was the Cannon at Zagreb's Kaptol. The collection also features the smallest cookbook in the world, printed on a 2 by 2 centimetre format, dating from 1905. It is a Viennese cookbook, featuring a hundred recipes, and according to available information, it is one of the only four remaining copies in the world.

Published: 01.08.2013