Return to the Romantic Past

In mid April, a traditional manifestation called The Zagreb Time Machine will commence, taking place every weekend from April 19th until September 27th, invigorating Zrinjevac Park, the main square, Ban Josip Jelačić, and the Upper Town with old-fashioned sounds, customs and, of course, flavors.

Zrinjevac Park - the first in the succession of eight parks which make up the so-called Lenuci’s Horseshoe in the very city center, will be the venue of promenade concerts in which known musicians and orchestras will perform waltzes, marches, operettas, Italian canciones, evergreens, jazz, etc. Starting in mid April, this will take place on Saturdays between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the Musical Pavilion (built in 1891).

 A few minutes walk away at the main square, Ban Josip Jelačić, and near-by Tkalčićeva Street, the citizens of Zagreb and their guests will be greeted by folklore groups who will present the traditional songs, dances and customs of Zagreb folklore, and also have apples and traditional cakes on offer. This will take place between 10 a.m. and noon.

 Street musicians who used to sing old-fashioned city songs or love songs for some change, will return to the streets of the Upper Town on Saturdays between 10 and 11 a.m. Beginning this year, between 5 and 8 p.m., the history of the Upper Town will be revived by costumed characters of Zagreb’s past, such as poets, writers, postmen…In short, on Saturdays, it will seem as if Zagreb is a time machine taking you on a journey to the past.

Published: 01.04.2008