Rock concerts on the museum's roof

Every Saturday throughout July, the roof of the Museum of Contemporary Art will be the venue for rock concerts, while Friday nights will feature free performances by up-and-coming bands and DJs on the plateau in front of the museum.

"Summer at the Museum of Contemporary Art" is well underway, so every Saturday throughout July its roof terrace will feature performances by the big guns of Croatian rock. Apart from that, on Fridays the museum's plateau will feature performances by up-and-coming rock bands and DJs as part of the “Roots of Rock” programme, while visitors can also look forward to numerous other interesting happenings, such as film screenings and the exhibition “This is Me” by Vlasta Delimar, who has literally been living at the museum for the past month. With her performance, “My Temporary Home”, the artist questions the scope of her art over 35 years of work through interactive encounters with the museum’s visitors. Apart from Mondays, her exhibition can be viewed every day between 11 a. m. and 9 p. m. Until the end of the programme, the exhibition will also be opened on Saturdays between 11 a. m. and midnight.

The preparations for these events, from idea to realization, lasted two years, and the Museum of Contemporary Art now has the adequate space and excellent technical capabilities to hold them. This has opened new possibilities for interconnecting various fields of art, offering visitors an abundance of new features in one place. Tickets for the Saturday concerts, which include film screenings and a visit to the exhibition, cost 79 kuna and they can be purchased at the museum's box-office. The Friday concerts are free for all fans of rock music.

Published: 01.07.2014