The First Wine Road of Zagreb

In the month when numerous wine festivals are being organized, Zagreb will officially open its first wine road along which tourists will be able to visit seven family-owned vineyards and small wineries.

The installation of information boards officially marked the opening of the first wine road in Zagreb. For the time being, it encompasses seven attractive family-owned vineyards. Given the large number of active winemakers in the Zagreb region, this number is expected to grow. The route passes through Sesvete, Ðurđekovac, Turanovac, Kašina, Blaguša, Glavnica Gornja, Jasenovac and Moravče, villages scattered across the hilly region east of Zagreb.

The wine-road project was backed by the City of Zagreb, the Ministry of Tourism, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Rural Development, with the goal of enhancing tourism in the hilly regions of the Croatian capital.
At the seven family vineyards which can currently be visited along the wine-road, there are some 60,000 grapevines whose fruit is turned into quality wine; Portugizac (Grau Portugiser), which is also the trade mark of the Zagreb County, Traminac (Traminer), Merlot, Graševina (Welschriesling), Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Riesling, and Chardonnay. Along with high quality wine, guests will be offered homemade starters such as sausages, ham, bacon, čvarci (pork cracklings), cheese, and various warm meals, all at very affordable prices.

During the first phase of the wine-road project, tastings will be organized for visitors who will have an opportunity to taste wines and traditional cold meats at farms located in the aforementioned villages. However, some farms have additional offers for tourists; one features a horseback riding school, while two others offer lodging for up to fifty people. The map also includes the Raca Motel in Dobrodol, which can accommodate ten guests at a time. Lodging facilities are currently being developed at three more farms.

Along the route there is a swimming pool complex in Adamovac and the road also passes by the mountain lodges of Grohot and Lipa in the Medvednica Nature Park. The main village square and the church of the Holy Trinity in Moravče are protected cultural heritage sites, and the wine-road is also quite close to the famous Marian Shrine in Marija Bistrica.

Published: 03.11.2009