The unique courtyards of Zagreb

Become a part of the story of Zagreb’s courtyards between July 17th and 26th at various locations in the Upper Town; get to know them and spend a pleasant time in their beautiful ambiance.

Once again this year, Zagreb’s courtyards in the Upper Town will be open to the public so people will have the opportunity to visit them and discover their secrets. All of this is taking place as part of the attractive tourist event – “Courtyards”, which became an instant hit as soon as it was launched last year under the slogan “Each Courtyard has its Story”. 

This event was led by Katapult Promotion, G.A.D. PRODUCTION and by the Zagreb Tourist Board.

In order to offer visitors the opportunity to discover what is hidden behind the otherwise closed doors of the unique courtyards in the Upper Town, get to know their history and even learn a few secrets, they have been opened by the state institutions and inhabitants of the Upper Town, who have resided there for many generations. The story of this unique tourist happening began in the courtyard of the Balbi Palace, which houses the Old Church Slavonic Institute and features the oldest and the only remaining well in the Upper Town. The palace was donated to charity in 1924 by its last owner, Baroness Kornelija Balbi, on the condition that the palace and well remained in their original state. The well served all of the inhabitants of Blatna – modern day Demetrova Street, which the palace is located on, even though it was part of a noble residence.

This is only one of the many interesting facts regarding Zagreb’s courtyards which you can uncover during a visit to one of the courtyards scattered around the Upper Town. Each of them is set up to reflect the story it has to tell. There will also be welcome drinks and small, sweet snacks, as well as live music.

The “Courtyards” project is the winner of the annual award for the most creative tourist project or product. Its organizers received the award at the Days of Creativity and Innovativeness, organized for the 8th consecutive year by MRAK – The Network for Creativity Development. Competing for the prestigious award were also the respectable Špancirfest street festival in Varaždin and the very popular Museum Night event.

The “Courtyards” tourist event will take place between July 17th and 26th and more information about this attractive happening can be found online at

Published: 02.07.2015