What a Temptation!

Zagreb has a very interesting and quite scrumptious sweet side, so everyone with a sweet tooth will enjoy exploring the diverse offer of cakes and other sweets that can be found at Zagreb's numerous bakeries and confectionery shops. Sweet Zagreb is expecting you.

Should you embark on a journey across “Sweet Zagreb” in September while enjoying the 2nd Festival of Sweets, which takes place in Zrinjevac Park, your experience will be interesting and comprehensive but, truth be told, also more taxing on the taste buds due to the overload of sweet temptations.

The festival, which is to be held in the city centre from September 2nd to 9th, will showcase some of the best confectioners from Zagreb, who will be proudly offering their cakes and ice creams. Apart from tasting the sweets, there will be culinary workshops for those who want to learn how to prepare their own sweets, as well as the opportunity to purchase home baking equipment. Amid all that, visitors can look forward to many prize draws and entertainment programmes. Eating cakes in the ambiance of one of Zagreb's most beautiful parks truly sounds like a winning combination.

Zagreb is known for its offer of excellent cakes, specifically traditional ones such as cheese, apple or cherry strudels, as well as sweet yeast dough cakes with walnut, poppy seed, jam and other types of fillings, and the very popular kremšnite (a Croatian take on the millefeuille vanilla cream slices). Some traditional sweet treats, such as the paprenjak (pepper cake) and the licitar heart, have also become popular and flavoursome souvenirs. Apart from typical Croatian cakes, Zagreb's confectioneries, whose number and quality have increased over the past few years, also offer sweet treats of the Austro-Hungarian gastronomic tradition. The top confectioners of Zagreb sometimes even manage to surpass the quality of the original recipes. Of course, they also strive to come up with contemporary sweet treats with nutritional values adapted to modern consumers. Sweet Zagreb is certainly worth exploring and it eagerly expects you!

Published: 02.09.2013