Young talents of contemporary dance

Between the 2nd and the 11th of October, aficionados of contemporary dance are in for a treat: the 11th Young Choreographers Platform. This event will feature numerous Croatian and foreign dance troupes, as well as choreographers from all over the world, all united under one roof in Zagreb.

For the eleventh year in a row, the Platform of Young Choreographers will bring together some of the best dance troupes from Croatia as well as abroad. The Zagreb audience is in for a real treat as performances, workshops, exhibitions and gatherings, which are integral parts of this event, will be ongoing in several locations throughout the city, from the 2nd to the 11th of October.
Now entering the second decade of its existence, the Young Choreographers Platform has further strengthened its position as a leading event aimed at young choreographers. Of course, most interesting for Zagreb audiences will be the chance to enjoy performances and new choreographic ideas. The event will take place in several locations across the city: the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Zagreb Dance Centre, Jedinstvo factory, Tala Dance Centre, and cinema “Grič”.
The Platform, however, is much more than just the performances themselves; for many years it has been a place of gathering and inspiration, a convention for young choreographers who wish to perfect and exchange ideas, amateurs and professionals alike. For many now-affirmed contemporary choreographers, the Platform was a stepping stone towards their professional activity in contemporary dance. Therefore, among numerous up and coming local and foreign choreographers, there will be affirmed dance artists who will pass on their knowledge and experience to younger generations through dance and words, just as they themselves had once been taught.
Ivo Dimčev, Isabelle Schad, Bad.Co., Matija Ferlin, Emilio Gutiérrez, Studio for contemporary dance, the Zagreb dance ensemble, Aleksandra Janeva Imfield, Panama pictures, Silvija Marchig, Darko Japelj, Katarina Ðurđević, and Sanja Tropp Fruehwald, are just some of this year’s participants and troupes, which will impart their knowledge and ideas to younger generations through shows and workshops related to dancing and other media of expressionism.
Founded in 2000 by our famous dance artists, Larisa Navojec and Tamara Curić, owners of Zagreb’s Tala Dance Studio, the Platform is traditionally patronised by domestic and European heads of important global dance organizations and choreography centres, including talent scouts, promoters, and festival directors, with the goal of discovering new talents and upcoming artists, as well as to arrange future cooperation. Such collaboration regularly results in new partnerships, which is one of the fundamental goals of this important event.

Published: 01.09.2010