Zmajska Pivovara (Dragon Brewery) among the ten best in the world

According to, Zmajska Pivovara of Zagreb was proclaimed the number nine brewery in the world in 2014 in a competition of as many as 1800 breweries. has proclaimed Zmajska Pivovara of Zagreb the ninth best newly listed brewery in the world in 2014, in a competition of as many as 1800 breweries. The RateBeer consumer website is the benchmark beer rating site which lists nearly all the beers produced worldwide. Last year alone, a million beer consumers rated as many as 300,000 bears brewed by 18,500 breweries.

The success of Zmajska Pivovara is all the more remarkable in view of the fact that it was opened only four months ago, and for the time being it brews only two beer varieties, Pale Ale and Porter. Each of the two has made it into the 15 best in the world in their respective categories.

Moreover, Zmajska Pivovara is also the first Croatian craft brewery which RateBeer consumer website experts see as an additional impetus to the long-awaited Croatian craft brewery revolution. By way of explanation, craft breweries, or microbreweries, are small and usually independently owned by the brewers themselves. The artisan approach to beer production they foster and the attention they pay to the brewing process usually results in new creative ideas in beer production.

Published: 06.02.2015