

April 2021

Safe stay in Croatia: National Label Which Guarantees Health Security

When travelling to and staying in Zagreb, search for the national Stay Safe in Croatia label which guarantees that your hosts have done everything necessary for your health security and a pleasant stay.

Dear citizens and visitors of Zagreb!

We embrace spring with joy and eagerly expect warmer weather which will inspire us to spend as much time outdoors as possible.


Dear friends and business partners!

With the arrival of spring, culture and entertainment events in Zagreb were enriched with the best background - outdoor space.


Photo Exhibition: Zagreb Likes Green

If Zagreb’s Franjo Tuđman Airport is where you meet Zagreb for the first time, a photo exhibition will show you that you are visiting a city filled with parks and flowers. The data is impressive and proves that Zagreb really likes green.


Little Zagreb: A New Perspective of Everyday Life

Houses we pass by sometimes, without even noticing them, will make us pause, see more but also think differently in their small version. Little Zagreb is much more than an interesting visual effect.


Street Triptych: When Streets Become a Canvas

When you encounter painted billboards in the streets of Zagreb, this is a sign that a year-round project Street Triptych is growing in front of your eyes. This is an urban street art project on the move which constantly changes.


Living Outdoor: Projects Which Change the City

Spring marked the new era in the life of the city which is more frequently spent outdoors. Each day surprises with new sights, stories and events which give a new feeling to the familiar atmosphere in Zagreb.

World Rally Championship: The World’s Best Rally Drivers Are Coming to Zagreb
Ryanair to Open New Base: New Routes to Connect Zagreb with 12 European Cities
Croatian National History Museum: Renovation and New Interesting Content
Green Zagreb: It Is Time for Recreation
Spring in King Tomislav Square: When Magnolias Blossom
Botanical Garden: The Most Beautiful Place to Learn about Nature in the Very Centre of the City
From Zagreb to the World: The Signature Pen
In front of the Art Pavilion: When Art Meets You
Rated by Passengers: Zagreb's Airport the Best in Europe

Street Art In Zagreb

With warm weather comes a side of Zagreb that Zagrebians love; more sun, spending more time outdoors, and walking around their favorite city, while discovering new places to enjoy. That's a perfect opportunity for outdoor art projects that quickly grab your attention as soon as you see them.

Mysterious World of Zagreb Legends

Sunny days and the enchanting fragrance of tree blossoms give us a spirit-lifting sense of joy these days. No matter how good Zagreb looks in the Sun, don't be fooled by its inviting face. As soon as the night falls, mysterious tales from the times long past lurk from the shadows.


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Published by: Zagreb Tourist Board | Produced by: UTM Revija d.o.o., Zagreb
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