Diplomat Hotel

+385 1 61 38 500
+385 99 61 38 500

Hotel Diplomat ima jednu od najboljih lokacija u Gradu Zagrebu, smješten u mirnom, poslovnom kvartu, udaljen svega oko 5,4 km od prekrasne cvjetne i biljne oaze u srcu Zagreba, Botaničkog vrta, osnovanog 1889. godine. Idila zelenila, raznih zaštićenih endemičnih biljnih vrsta omiljena su destinacija brojnih zagrepčana i turista gdje osjećaj mira i zadovoljstva uz pjev ptica i hlada rijetko koga ostavi ravnodušnim. U neposrednoj blizini hotela Diplomat nalazi se najmoderniji trgovačko-zabavni centar u cijeloj regiji Arena Zagreb, koji donosi drugačije shopping iskustvo, ali i Međunarodna zračna luka Zagreb - Franjo Tuđman. Sveučilišna nacionalna biblioteka i Muzej suvremene umjetnosti meka su svih zaljubljenika u umjetnost, a stanuju nedaleko od hotela. Ako u Zagreb dolazite zbog svjetskih koncerata velikih zvijezda, predstava ili sportskih događaja koji se održavaju u Areni Zagreb, dobar izbor za smještaj je Hotel Diplomat u čijoj blizini se nalazi i Zagrebački velesajam poznat po ogromnom broju sajmova, poslovnih i društvenih događanja sa 107 godina tradicije u neprekinutom poslovanju.

Hotel Diplomat nudi jedinstvenu kombinaciju modernog vrhunskog stila. Pruža gostima odličnu bazu iz koje mogu istražiti sve što Zagreb, ali i okolica grada ima za ponuditi. S besplatnim Wi-Fi-jem i parkiralištem, Diplomat gostima pruža dodatne posebne usluge. A za vrijeme boravka u hotelu iskušajte neka od brojnih zanimljivih jela u sklopu restoranske ponude.

Celebrities about Zagreb

Tommy Emmanuel

Tommy Emmanuel

I like Lisinski very much. It was very intense to perform there, because people came, listened carefully and felt the music in their hearts. Lisinski is a beautiful concert hall, and I am very honored to be performing there. I have wonderful memories of my first performance in Lisinski.

Source: www.muzika.hr

Jesse Eisenberg

Jesse Eisenberg

Jesse Eisenberg (actor) spent the autumn in Zagreb in 2007: Zagreb is an incredible town. I enjoyed sightseeing the old parts of the town, and at night I went to clubs. I was thrilled that it was near Austria and Italy, so I visited Venice, Milan, Ljubljana, Graz, Split... over the weekends.

Source: www.vjesnik.com

Chris Urbanowicz

Chris Urbanowicz

I remember our performance at INmusic festival. We can hardly wait to see our fans again. I expect it to be very exciting.

Source: www.tportal.hr

Eric Sardinas

Eric Sardinas

I am looking forward to Zagreb as a destination where I always feel good. It seems it has been too long since the last time I was here, although it was just a year or so. 

Source: www.muzika.hr

Melanie Fiona

Melanie Fiona

I am sorry that I have not had the opportunity to stay longer and see a little more, but the Jarun Lake and clubs impressed me, has all the elements of good entertainment.

Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

Alex Kapranos

Alex Kapranos

Alex Kapranos (Franz Ferdinand) wrote about Zagreb on his blog: http://bit.ly/nO3yin

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Snoop Dog

Snoop Dog

Everything is great here, the girls are beautifull, the service is exceptional. What more can I ask from the town?

Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

Flogging Molly

Flogging Molly

We're enjoying this Tuesday in Zagreb. We're heading onto the main stage of the INmusic Festival soon.

Source: INmusic festival



The location of the festival and Zagreb, where we spent a pleasant morning, are wonderful.

Source: INmusic festival

Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

Zagreb is beautiful, but the people thrilled me the most. Everybody is so kind and outgoing. I could not wish for better hosts.

Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb