Diplomat Hotel

+385 1 61 38 500
+385 99 61 38 500

Hotel Diplomat ima jednu od najboljih lokacija u Gradu Zagrebu, smješten u mirnom, poslovnom kvartu, udaljen svega oko 5,4 km od prekrasne cvjetne i biljne oaze u srcu Zagreba, Botaničkog vrta, osnovanog 1889. godine. Idila zelenila, raznih zaštićenih endemičnih biljnih vrsta omiljena su destinacija brojnih zagrepčana i turista gdje osjećaj mira i zadovoljstva uz pjev ptica i hlada rijetko koga ostavi ravnodušnim. U neposrednoj blizini hotela Diplomat nalazi se najmoderniji trgovačko-zabavni centar u cijeloj regiji Arena Zagreb, koji donosi drugačije shopping iskustvo, ali i Međunarodna zračna luka Zagreb - Franjo Tuđman. Sveučilišna nacionalna biblioteka i Muzej suvremene umjetnosti meka su svih zaljubljenika u umjetnost, a stanuju nedaleko od hotela. Ako u Zagreb dolazite zbog svjetskih koncerata velikih zvijezda, predstava ili sportskih događaja koji se održavaju u Areni Zagreb, dobar izbor za smještaj je Hotel Diplomat u čijoj blizini se nalazi i Zagrebački velesajam poznat po ogromnom broju sajmova, poslovnih i društvenih događanja sa 107 godina tradicije u neprekinutom poslovanju.

Hotel Diplomat nudi jedinstvenu kombinaciju modernog vrhunskog stila. Pruža gostima odličnu bazu iz koje mogu istražiti sve što Zagreb, ali i okolica grada ima za ponuditi. S besplatnim Wi-Fi-jem i parkiralištem, Diplomat gostima pruža dodatne posebne usluge. A za vrijeme boravka u hotelu iskušajte neka od brojnih zanimljivih jela u sklopu restoranske ponude.

Celebrities about Zagreb

Courtney Thorne Smith

Courtney Thorne Smith

Thank you for one of the best hotel experience ever. The rooms were extraordinary, the staff was great, and every moment was beautiful. And Zagreb... magical! All the best!

Source: Esplanade Zagreb Hotel

Jesse Eisenberg

Jesse Eisenberg

Jesse Eisenberg (actor) spent the autumn in Zagreb in 2007: Zagreb is an incredible town. I enjoyed sightseeing the old parts of the town, and at night I went to clubs. I was thrilled that it was near Austria and Italy, so I visited Venice, Milan, Ljubljana, Graz, Split... over the weekends.

Source: www.vjesnik.com

Chris Urbanowicz

Chris Urbanowicz

I remember our performance at INmusic festival. We can hardly wait to see our fans again. I expect it to be very exciting.

Source: www.tportal.hr



I was very looking forward to coming to Zagreb, especially because my mother travelled with me. My people found out everything about it, so that we could see the main stuff in the city!

Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb



This is our first time in Zagreb. We're really having a great time. We won't be able to see the coast, but we'll get some rest and walk around the city...

Source: INmusic festival

Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

Zagreb is beautiful, but the people thrilled me the most. Everybody is so kind and outgoing. I could not wish for better hosts.

Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb



We're excited about our first concert in Croatia and delighted that we had the opportunity to walk around the wonderful city of Zagreb.

Source: INmusic festival

Eric Sardinas

Eric Sardinas

I am looking forward to Zagreb as a destination where I always feel good. It seems it has been too long since the last time I was here, although it was just a year or so. 

Source: www.muzika.hr

The Fratellis (Jon)

The Fratellis (Jon)

Thanks to everybody who came to see us at the INmusic Festival! We're delighted by the city and hope to see you again.

Source: INmusic festival

Melanie Fiona

Melanie Fiona

I am sorry that I have not had the opportunity to stay longer and see a little more, but the Jarun Lake and clubs impressed me, has all the elements of good entertainment.

Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb