I am looking forward to Zagreb as a destination where I always feel good. It seems it has been too long since the last time I was here, although it was just a year or so.
Source: www.muzika.hr
An exhibition by renowned artist Nikola Koydl has opened at the Arts and Crafts Museum. His presence on the Croatian art scene spans fifty years, during which his unique works have intrigued critics and the general public alike.
The World in Croatia – Croatia in the World is the motto of the newest international tourism fair Place2go, which will take place from 30th March to 1st April and present tourist destinations worldwide in a most attractive way.
The “Zagreb & Belgrade Gay Guide 2012” application for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad now follows the printed version of the Zagreb Gay Guide and provides information on gay friendly places in town, as well as useful advice and tips on how to have fun in Zagreb.
Two years after the opening of the first World of Comics café bar in the eastern part of the city, with a rather large reading room full of comics and another even larger room for all 9th art lovers, the World of Comics library and gallery has recently opened in the heart of the city and thus put Zagreb on the map of the rare capitals worldwide with such a specific offer.
Judging by the great popularity of one of the most beautiful cemeteries in Europe, Zagreb’s Mirogoj, the theme of cemeteries, although admittedly off-putting for some, is actually very attractive. This is proven by the large number of those who have visited the exhibition “Mors porta vitae / Death – the Gate of Life” which can still be seen at the Zagreb City Museum until the end of the month.
Over 150 titles, eight festival days, seven different categories, recipients of one Oscar and several awards from influential international festivals, impressive retrospectives and a number of other documentary surprises are the best selling points which are bound to attract large audiences to the 8th ZagrebDox, the biggest international documentary film festival in the region which will be held between 26th February and 4th March.
As of recently, Nokia Smart phone users can search numerous tourist attractions in Zagreb and Croatia on their telephone screens by downloading the Nokia map applications. This will make the lives of drivers and pedestrians much easier since the application targets the two different groups separately.
Dvori Matanovi is the first wine cellar in Croatia that bears the Croatian Autochthonous Cuisine certificate. 80 per cent of the dishes on its menu are traditional specialties prepared according to the old and well tested recipes of fishermen and seafarers from Primošten.