

October 2018

Zagreb Design Week: Changing the Game

The sixth Zagreb Design Week, which will take place from 7 to 12 May, questions new mechanisms, projects and ways of thinking which are shaping our future and the role of a designer in these changes.

Dear citizens of Zagreb, dear guests!

We've come down to September. Zagreb's streets and squares are slowly filling with people returning from vacation and tourists who are still visiting our beautiful city. The last days of summer in our town bring us many attractive events, most of which are the gastronomic and filmic ones, for which our Zagreb will not lag behind in the tourist offer.


Dear friends and business partners!

Although Zagreb is breaking tourism records every month, and tourists visit it all year round, we can definitely say September is particularly lively and full of new energy. Students return to the city, its citizens return from their summer breaks, and along with them the business people, artists, and, of course, the tourists. Zagreb is once again truly alive…


An Artistic Autumn – Exceptional Exhibitions in Zagreb's Museums and Galleries

Sensational works by Vlaho Bukovac; a retrospective of Nevenka Arbanas and the best of Croatian sculpture are just part of the rich offering from Zagreb's museums and galleries.


A Wealth of Music in Autumn – From Jazz to Funk and Symphonic Rock

Myriad concerts of the most diverse genres, veterans of rock. Zagreb is the city of great concerts!


Zagreb Time Machine: A Nostalgic Trip through Time

From late April to early October Zagreb Time Machine will bring history and customs of the city to life. Visitors will experience two lives of the city at the same time, the modern life and the past life in a nostalgic trip through time.


Gastronomic Delight – Restaurant Week

The tastiest week of the year tempts us with promotional prices and delicious trips to top restaurants.

Abracadabra Zoo 2018 – A Colourful Night-time Visit to the Zoo
Flou App: Choose A Sport in Just Three Steps
Film Lovers, On Your Marks! A Feast of Festivals
A Healthy Body is a Healthy Mind: From Marathons to Ice Rinks

The Biker's Guide to Zagreb: Don't Miss This out If You Are One

This is a short guide for the motorcycle-loving people.

Tourists of Zagreb: An Undiscovered Gem

If you're planning a city break in Zagreb, read our interview with Caitlin from NYC and get an idea of where to go and what to do.


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Published by: Zagreb Tourist Board | Produced by: U.T. Marketing d.o.o., Zagreb
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