

April 2023

Easter in Zagreb: Entire Week in Festive Mood

Easter day and the entire week surrounding Easter will be festive in Zagreb. The city awaits you with concerts, festive atmosphere and traditional gastro offer as well as colourful parks to mark spring that has just started.

Dear friends and business partners!

With spring, life in the city goes outdoors. Visitors who decide to spend Easter holidays in Zagreb will see this for themselves and enjoy festive activities, beauty and colours of parks in Zagreb, as well as events to take place.


Greencajt Festival: How Can We Build Sustainability?

Creating environment for sustainable future is the main topic of the Greencajt Festival, but also one of the main challenges of our times.


LMF Festival 2023: Greats of Electronic Music to Come to Jarun

Many of world- leading DJs have confirmed their attendance at the LMF Festival so Jarun Lake will be a gathering place for many fans of electronic music in mid-June.


For Digital Nomads: A Year-round Programme "Zagreb Digital Nomad – Four Seasons" Has Started

A year-round programme "Zagreb Digital Nomad – Four Seasons" contributes to the satisfaction of digital nomads who chose Zagreb. Its spring edition Spring Fling has confirmed its purpose and appeal.


Arena Hall Zagreb: European Wrestling Championship for Seniors

Soon more than 700 wrestlers will be coming to Zagreb to participate in the European Wrestling Championship for seniors. It is the largest competition ever organised by the Croatian Wrestling Federation.

Concert at Šalata: The Cult Again in Zagreb!
32nd Music Biennale Zagreb: Get to Know the Music of the Future
Klovićevi Dvori Gallery: Exhibition "Oton Iveković – Retrospective" Open until 11 June
Festival of St. Mark: Excellent Experience for Music Lovers
Virtual Guide: Get to Know Zagreb in a Different Way With go!ng places

Doors of the Lower Town

Every time we pass through a physical door, something unknown is bound to happen. Doors can be symbolic, intriguing, or simply eye-capturing. Let us wander the streets of Zagreb, and search for some pretty entrances. Just like we did in the previous years, remember?

In Street Art Zagreb's shoes: From Baby Steps To Giant Leaps

Have you noticed the increase in murals in Zagreb lately? The Zagreb street art scene has grown significantly in the last few years- everywhere you turn/look there is a mural with an interesting story. Some like it, others not so much. Some of the murals are incredible and inspiring, while others are not. Still, street art is growing in popularity and giving Zagreb a spark of uniqueness. Most European cities are becoming giant museums, and Zagreb is no exception.


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