A large retrospective exhibition by Vatroslav Kuliš

Since late September until 21 October, the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery presents a large retrospective by the renowned Croatian painter Vatroslav Kuliš, featuring his best works created between 1980 and 2012.

From late September until 21 October, a large retrospective exhibition by the renowned Croatian painter Vatroslav Kuliš will attract numerous visitors to the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery. It will feature his best works created between 1980 and today. Visitors will have the opportunity to see the newest works by Vatroslav Kuliš. These include paintings from the series of zoomorphic and biomorphic motifs, which have been his favourites for a number of years now.

Apart from the last series, the selected opus will also feature works from his earlier series named Waves, Kornati, Kuti, Riffs, Metamorphoses of the Sea and Herbarium Pictorium.

What distinguishes this painter from many others is something that the visitors to the exhibition will certainly notice straight away: vibrant colours and the joyful atmosphere which emanates from most of his canvasses. All his motifs, fish, boats, butterflies are painted in a style which borders on the abstract in a very particular and sensible way.

The exhibition presents thirty of Vatroslav Kuliš’s best works. Following his long artistic career, he is considered the only surviving member of the classical modernist movement by many, including pominent Croatian art historian Igor Zidić who has selected the works for this great retrospective.

Not only are the works presented in the exhibition the painter’s best, but they are also his biggest works: each of the canvases is over four meters tall.

Vatroslav Kuliš gained his fine arts diploma in 1976 from Zagreb’s Academy of Fine Arts. Apart from painting, he has also played an important role in Croatian cultural life, and he has also dabbed his artistic hand at graphic design and scenography.
He has thus far exhibited his works at 150 group exhibitions in the country and abroad.

The latest and largest of the exhibitions, this retrospective, will be moved to the City Museum of Varaždin after the exhibition at the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery.

Published: 01.10.2012