An Exhibition of Chinese Art

Until mid-February, the Gliptoteka HAZU will be the venue for the great travelling exhibition of Chinese Art, “Ink-Not-Ink”, which can now be viewed in Zagreb, after touring America and some European countries. It contains works by modern painters who use the ink technique, which has been dominant in Chinese art for centuries.

Until mid-February, the Gliptoteka HAZU will be the venue for the great travelling exhibition of contemporary Chinese artists, “Ink-Not-Ink”, which was previously on show in America and some European countries.

Croatia is its last European destination and this is a unique opportunity to view works by contemporary Chinese artists who work specifically with ink.
The exhibition features 38 artists and a total of 64 pieces ranging from drawings on paper, across installations, to animation and land-art on photographs. All artists have been schooled in China, and their works are a link between Chinese tradition and history, and contemporary trends in painting.

The travelling concept of this exhibition was conceived by experts of the Shenzhen Art Museum and the Beijing Today Art Museum. On its tour, the exhibition was presented in many countries, beginning with the United States in 2008.
The Zagreb exhibition is the last chance to see these contemporary works of Chinese art on European soil.

The technique of ink has been dominant for centuries in China and is deeply rooted in Chinese art; along with calligraphy, it represents an important aspect of Chinese tradition and national identity, thus being one of the most characteristic symbols of China.

The Croatian exhibition was organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, and the Chinese Embassy in Croatia.

Published: 31.01.2010