Another Segway season is underway

For the eighth consecutive year, the Segway season has officially been opened, enabling tourists to go sightseeing and admire Zagreb’s landmarks in an unforgettable way, whilst riding on this globally popular personal transporter.

If you wish to get to know the city landmarks whilst riding on this personal transporter, or just get to one of the numerous open air events ongoing throughout the year, be sure to make use of the Segway City Tour Zagreb, which is once again on offer this season. Since it was introduced in 2007, this offer has attracted tourists as it provides new possibilities in getting to know the city, its squares, streets and numerous landmarks. This is why, for three years now, the Segway City Tour Zagreb has boasted the “Certificate of Excellence” by the globally renowned travel website TripAdvisor. The users rate it as a great experience not to be missed.

Anyone can master the skill needed for riding on a Segway with the help of an instructor. After learning the few basics, anyone can embark on a sightseeing tour of the downtown, the Upper Town, or even the famous Mirogoj Cemetery, depending on the choice of tour. The Segway City Tour Zagreb offers several sightseeing options, lasting between 50 and 135 minutes. Each, however, will be an unforgettable sightseeing experience. When you visit Zagreb, make sure to ride through its streets and squares on this extremely interesting and entertaining personal transporter.

Published: 01.04.2014