Contemporary Photography from the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus

To continue the tradition of biennale presentations of contemporary photographers from all over the world, the Croatian Photographic Association has organized a large exhibition entitled Optimal Projections - Contemporary Photography from the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus, which will be held at the Art Pavilion during the month of July.

Approximately 200 works by the best Russian, Ukrainian, and Belorussian contemporary photographers are the mainstay of the interesting photo exhibition which can be visited at the Art Pavilion in Zagreb until the end of July. Optimal Projections - Contemporary Photography from the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus reveals works by 21 selected authors; male and female photographers who were selected by the author of the exhibition, Professor Želimir Koščević. Professor Koščević is the programme advisor of the successful Lang Photo Gallery in Samobor near Zagreb, and the exhibition itself has been co-organized with the Croatian Photographic Association, whose ambition is to turn this into a biennale tradition of showing photographic works by authors from all over the world.

During a visit to Moscow last summer, Professor Koščević personally selected some 200 photos for the visitors to see. On that occasion he met with over 50 young photographers from the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus, and reviewed over 120 portfolios. Relying on his rich experience, he selected works which would provide the Zagreb audience with insight into the contemporary photographic scenes of these states.

Assisted by his Russian colleagues, the author has made sure that the group exhibition provides the most relevant overview of everyday life in the urban and rural areas of those countries. The authors of the photographs offer different perspectives and use different photographic techniques to present what is famously known as the Russian soul, and they show a slice of contemporary Russia by depicting a wide range of topics. Many of the selected photos illustrate a clash between the old and new. They provide insight into the social situation of the people and their customs, their everyday drama and culture, all of which, for that matter, are the most important characteristics of these countries.

At the exhibition, every author is showcased with eight to ten photographs, and at the beginning of August the exhibition will be moved to the Istrian Museum of Contemporary Art in Pula.

Published: 03.07.2012