Dubrava Zagreb – From the Suburb to the City

The exhibition Dubrava Zagreb – From the Suburb to the City can be seen at the Zagreb City Museum until the end of August as part of the project “The Neighbourhoods of Zagreb”. The exhibition presents the development of this neighbourhood in the eastern part of the city.

The exhibition Dubrava Zagreb – From the Suburb to the City will be on display until the end of August at the Zagreb City Museum. With this exhibition, the museum continues to tell the stories of the various parts of Zagreb under the project “The Neighbourhoods of Zagreb”. After the Trnsko neighbourhood, the museum has now chosen to showcase a neighbourhood in the eastern part of Zagreb, which became an administrative part of the city in the late 40s of last century.

The exhibition follows the development of Dubrava from the time when the citizens of Zagreb chose this densely wooded area with little hamlets and villages as their excursion spot, until the moment when it became one of Zagreb's neighbourhoods and continued developing as an integral part of the city. The period covered by the exhibition is from the 30s of the 20th century until today, during which time the sparsely inhabited Dubrava has grown into a neighbourhood with nearly 100 thousand inhabitants. By taking a stroll through the exhibition, visitors will be able to follow the development of the infrastructure in the area, the appearance of major industries, and other facilities such as the Zagreb Bus Factory, Jadran Film, Jugoton (currently Croatia Records), as well as the way social and cultural life has been organized through the development of different forms of arts, music, sports and so on.

Published: 01.06.2012