Enter the world of Zagreb’s courtyards

Between July 18th and 27th, under the slogan “Each Courtyard has its Story”, visitors of the Upper Town will have the opportunity to see the hidden treasures behind the gates of the beautiful courtyards of Zagreb. Owing to a new tourism project, visitors can take a peek into the courtyards, learn about their history and secrets, and hear interesting stories about them.

If you want to find out what the courtyards of Zagreb’s Upper Town look like, or if you are curious about their history and secrets, why not partake in the new tourism programme entitled “Each Courtyard has its Story” between July 18th and 27th ? The new cultural tourist attraction has been devised as part of the joint project “Courtyards”, by Katapult Promotion, G.A.D. PRODUCTION, and realized with the backing of the Zagreb Tourist Board.

After very popular tourist tours Secrets of Grič and Advent in Zagreb, the citizens of Zagreb and their guests now have the opportunity to find out what is hidden behind the shut gates of the unique courtyards in the Upper Town. Some belong to state institutions and others are owned by the locals whose families have lived there for many generations. Among others, visitors will have the opportunity to stroll through the beautiful courtyard of the Balbi Palace on Demetrova Street, which houses the Old Church Slavonic Institute, as well as not only the oldest but also the only well still remaining in the Upper Town. The fascinating garden of the State Archive in Opatička Street will also be open for visits, as well as the inner courtyard of the Meštrović Atelier on Mletačka Street, where the great Croatian sculptor, Ivan Meštrović, once lived and worked. Each courtyard will be appropriately decorated to reflect its story, while visitors will be welcomed with drinks and tasty snacks, as well as live music. That, however, is not all, because many more surprises are in store, so guests can just relax and enjoy the ambiance of Zagreb’s beautiful courtyards.

More information about the events of this new tourism project can be found online at www.facebook.com/dvorista.in

Published: 01.07.2014