Events at the Croatian Natural History Museum

Throughout the summer, from 7 July to 5 September, the atrium of the Croatian Natural History Museum will be the venue of various cultural and entertainment events all staged under the common name Amadeo Scene.

Once again, like in previous years, a series of clubbing, theatre and musical events will take place during the months of July, August and September in the atrium of the Croatian Natural History Museum in the Upper Town under the common name Amadeo Scene. The ceremonial opening of this year's Amadeo Scene is scheduled to take place on 7 July with the appearance of the ensemble ‘Acoustic Project’ which fosters a wide range of musical styles – from classical music and jazz to avant-garde. The very name of the ensemble implies ongoing changes, and every new appearance by these excellent musicians represents a project featuring new sounds.

Owing to its architecture and acoustics, the atrium of the Croatian Natural History Museum on Demetrova Street in the Upper Town lends itself ideally to concerts, theatre shows and any other type of multimedia events. All in all, there will be over 50 such events featuring well known Croatian and foreign artists. The “Mini Amadeo” programme intended for pre-schoolers and school aged children, which was first introduced last year, will be repeated this year. After the theatre shows, the young patrons will be able to view the very valuable exhibits in the Croatian Natural History Museum free of charge. Besides the theatre programme for the youngest culture lovers, an alternative stage will be opened under the name Amadeoff Festival. It will be dedicated to non-conventional and amateur forms of performing arts, with artists from all over the world participating.

A complete programme of this year's event can be found at All the performances are scheduled to take place outdoors, but in the case of rain they will be moved to alternative indoor locations or cancelled.

Published: 03.07.2012