Everything that connects us

To mark Croatia’s entry to the EU, the Marija Hunjak Stamp Club from Čakovec, and the Europe House in Zagreb, are organizing the exhibition “Everything that Connects Us”, which will take place between June 15th and July 15th, and feature postage stamps from all EU member states.

The Marija Hunjak Stamp Club of Čakovec and the Europe House in Zagreb are organizing an exhibition of postage stamps from all EU member states, titled “Everything that Connects Us”. To mark Croatia’s entry to the EU, the exhibition will be opened on June 15th at the Europe House, and it will last until July 15th. The exhibition is sponsored by the Croatian Parliament, the president of the Republic of Croatia, Dr. Ivo Josipović, the Zagreb City Assembly and the mayor of Zagreb – Milan Bandić. 

The opening ceremony of this very interesting exhibition, where postage stamps from all EU member states will be showcased in one place, will feature performances by the Zrinski Guard of Čakovec and the Donji Kraljevac Art and Culture Club. The latter will present the folk costumes of Međimurje, while soprano and oboist Petra Labazan, with piano backing from professor Jasminka Bontek, will be in charge of the musical part of the programme.

Published: 03.06.2013